Monday, November 26, 2007

online monday

Millions of people who were off work last week are heading back into the office and online Monday for holiday shopping deals.

It's sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy. A few years ago, Cyber Monday was nothing more than a public relations blitz to get people online after Black Friday, and it worked. It has turned into the real deal…and one of the busiest online shopping days of the year.

Shoppers will spend more than $700 million on Monday…that's up 22 percent over last year.

1-day sales
Deep discounts for using PayPal
Free shipping, no minimum purchase
Cyber Monday coupons

Those are some of the reasons that will cause 40 percent of Americans with computers to buy something online Monday.

"We're letting customers go to our website, registering with an email address, and were instantly sending them a $5 gift and the chance to win $500, so it's a great way to get people to get used to our online shopping," said Ranee Taylor of Brookstone at Park Meadows.

If you do go shopping online to do some holiday shopping, always be on alert for email scams and hackers trying to get a hold of credit card numbers and other personal information. Make sure you always use a secure website and avoid using a debit card when buying online.

Troubleshooter Tom Martino recommends that you use only one credit card for all of your online purchases, it makes it easier to track activity and avoid becoming a victim of identity theft.
terms of shopping online Monday, known as Cyber Monday, many workers can barely contain themselves.

Close to half of American workers are expected to shop while at work Monday - the online retailing world's version of Black Friday - according to a new survey by Decision Analyst conducted on behalf of BJ's Wholesale Club, the company announced last week.

The study from Natick, Mass.-based BJ's Wholesale (NYSE: BJ) surveyed more than 500 working people across the country.

Although more than 11 percent said they had been caught shopping by their boss while on the job, the survey showed that the temptation to find a great bargain is so strong, they would spend nearly an hour on average shopping online this Monday instead of working.

As on Black Friday, many e-retailers offer some of the most exceptional deals of the year on Cyber Monday.

However the desire to find bargains online lasts far beyond Cyber Monday. The BJ's survey showed that about 50 percent of those surveyed say they do all of their online shopping at work, while 13 percent say they have shopped online during a conference call.


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